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Top 20 Helpful Tips For Women's, During Pregnancy

The most important advice for a woman who wants to get pregnant is to get to know her body, specifically, her menstrual cycle, The doctor always said that. It's very important to know how far apart from her cycles are so she can more accurately time sex to try to get pregnant,"  
Add captTop 20 Helpful Tips For Women's pregnancy
We have Top 10 helpful tips that may help increase a healthy woman's chances of becoming pregnant and during pregnancy.


Ensure that your vaccinations are current, including those for chickenpox, rubella, measles and even the flu.


Keep a diary or blog of your pregnancy; reflect on your thoughts and feelings. It makes the period easier.


Indulge yourself. Once the baby comes you will have even fewer moments to yourself. Treat yourself to a lunchtime manicure, spoil yourself.


If you eat fast food regularly, aim to cut down your consumption to once or twice a week at the most.


Say yes to cravings sometimes. Experts say they may be nature's way of providing nutrients an expectant mom may be lacking.


Wear comfortable, non restricting shoes and put your feet up several times a day to prevent fatigue and swelling of the feet, legs, and ankles.


Swimming is great in late pregnancy. It can help relieve a lot of aches and pains and makes you feel weightless.


Count the kicks. You should feel the baby kick at least 10 times a day. Monitor these movements, as a lack of kicking could indicate a problem.


Cut back on caffeine. A study showed that women who consumed more than 200mg caffeine doubled their risk of miscarriage.


Know who and when to tell. The first three months are the most common time for miscarriage; so give the baby time to get settled before you announce.


Have confidence in your body's ability to grow, nourish, and give birth to this baby as women have done for centuries.


Avoid eating the raw or undercooked meat. Certain foodborne illnesses are often present in undercooked and raw meat.


Do kegel exercises. Frequent urination is normal during pregnancy, but doing these preventative exercises can help avoid incontinence post-baby.


Wear your seat belt. Always use both your lap and shoulder belts. Ensure the straps go above and below your bump, not across it.


Focus on the positive. You may hear negative things from friends or family members, such as scary birth stories. Ignore them.


Savor intimacy with your partner during pregnancy. You may sexually slow down when the baby comes, so have fun.


Do not diet while pregnant. Weight gain during pregnancy is expected, so you are doing yourself and your baby a favor.


For back pain during pregnancy, sit in chairs that have back support. The more posture you have the better your back will feel.


Regular exercise will help you control your weight, improve circulation, boost your mood, and help you sleep better.


Do not take any sleeping pills while pregnant, unless prescribed and approved by your doctor.

For More Helpful pregnancy tips Please visit at http://tipsaddas.com/category/53

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